About Home Party Marketplace

Hello & Welcome to Home Party Marketplace!

Started in 2010, Home Party Marketplace has gone through many hurdles to be a part of the direct sales industry. While the direct selling or network marketing arena grows, shifts and changes constantly so do the requirements for providing necessary information and tools to help our members out.

With that, we continue to push through to provide our readers and direct sales consultants a community, advertising opportunities, resources and training to help each of them to grow their business and succeed in the networking world.

Direct Sales Community

First and foremost, our goal is for Home Party Marketplace to be a strong online community.

We hope to provide support to all our community members, to be a place of unity and to help create success for all reps in the direct sales industry.

Whether you call yourself a consultant, representative, coach, distributor, stylist or designer, you are all welcome and we hope that we can provide resources and tools to help grow your direct sales business to live above and beyond your dreamed lifestyle.

Direct Sales Advertising Nationwide

The Home Party Marketplace online site offers a wonderful opportunity for direct sellers to list their business locally and nationwide and be able to choose a package that fits their current level and budget.

There are free and paid advertising opportunities ranging from listings, blog guest-posting, newsletter, social media shares and more.

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Resources & Training for Direct Sales Company Reps

In addition to the community and advertising, Home Party Marketplace constantly strives to provide direct sellers with many different types of resources and training for each of the different direct sales companies and the direct sales industry.

These resources include third-party direct sales experts and also direct sales training for booking, recruiting, tradeshows, sales, scripts business growth, home business opportunities, new business leads, team building, and leadership.

Meet The Team

Our team values the ongoing support and training for direct sellers, mlm and network marketing representatives across the world. 

Each of us have a unique place within the home party world that provides specialized insight and growth for all areas of the growth of Home Party Marketplace and it's customers.

And, we love to help our fellow consultants succeed in their industry, to be able to live a freeing life with less money problems, more time with family, and to have a career they love and are proud of.

Oh, and we love puppies. 

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